- Colorado Drug Crimes Lawyer - https://www.colorado-drug-crimes-lawyer.com -

Location / Contact

Location / Map

For your convenience, an interactive map has been included below. Using your mouse, you may navigate the map by holding down your left mouse button, and move the map in any direction. Alternatively, you may click “Details” or the “A” Bubble Symbol to recieve step by step directions to our office, from any location.

Should you have any questions, please contact us via one of the following:

E-Mail: hmichaelsteinberg@colorado-drug-crimes-lawyer.com
Phone: 303-627-7777
Emergency (24/7): 720-220-2277
Pager: 303-543-4433
FAX (Toll Free): 1-877-533-6276
Mail / Courier: Law Office of H. Michael Steinberg
The Edward Building
8400 East Prentice Ave,
Penthouse 1500
Greenwood Village, Colorado, 80111